Recently Coudersport Area Municipal Authority (CAMA) board members leased land to Epiphany, the company planning to chemically treat and distill frack wastewater from the region's unconventional shale wells.
When myself and other residents learned about CAMA's plans, we began releasing helium balloons from the site. The balloons drifted over the Borough of Coudersport & the Coudersport Elementary School.
Epiphany has since applied to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for an Air Quality Exemption Permit. This could potentially have a detrimental effect on the air quality over Coudersport, and the Coudersport Elementary School.
We would like to purchase an "Air Quality Egg " so we can measure the levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the air surrounding to distillery. The Air Quality Egg cost $280.00. Please click here to help support our efforts to keep our air clean.
One Speck Air Monitor has been purchased, and is being used to monitor the air in various locations throughout Coudersport. Check out our Facebook page to see the current readings and locations.