Protecting the Allegheny

Cyclone Fracking Disposal Well Approved by DEP

Cyclone Fracking Disposal Well Approved by DEP: approved-by-dep/ Andy Paulsen Jan 23, 2024 | 11:19 AM
"Starting a petition isn’t something I would normally do, but I was moved to do so because regulators put the health and safety of the residents of Cyclone at risk . I know I’m not alone and together we can make this change happen. Please sign and share!"
Delivering the 1937 Cyclone area map to Governor Josh Shapiro. More info on the petition:

See the video here!!


EPA Permit:

Click here for Catalyst Energy document listing


The EPA is currently soliciting comments on a Class II-D draft Underground Injection Well Permit located in Clara Twp., Potter County,Pennsylvania.

UPDATE:  The EPA Extended the Deadline to Submit Comments for the Proposed Clara Twp Injection Well

An additional 32 days extension will be granted to allow for sufficient time for the public to comment on the proposed permit.

EPA will extend the public comment period for Roulette Oil & Gas UIC well (PAS2D050BPOT) for an additional 32-days until April 5, 2021. This information will be updated on the website and information will be available online till this date for review.

Send your concerns to the EPA by April 5, 2021.


Let the EPA know if you are concerned about:

  • The possibility of surface spills and runoff into nearby streams and rivers.
  • The potential for diminished property values.
  • Compensation for diminished property values.
  • The integrity of the well casing and it’s potential for failure.
  • The potential for increased truck traffic.
  • The inability of state regulators to provide adequate oversight
  • The damage to the local roads.
  • The Increased noise.
  • The origin of the waste to be injected.
  • The proximity to high value streams.
  • The local emergency response capabilities.
  • Alternative waste disposal options.
  • The low bond required by the operator that incentivizes abandonment over reclamation.
  • The operator’s history of compliance with DEP’s waste& production reporting requirements.

Please email public comments on the draft UIC permit to the attention of: Kevin Rowsey, Source Water & UIC Section, U.S. EPA Region 3

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Subject line: PAS2D050BPOT


Save The Allegheny is a regional environmental and citizen advocacy organization that formed in response to recent threats posed to the Allegheny River, clean drinking water, air quality, endangered species, wildlife and all of our natural resources.   This is a cause to restore our rights.

Article I, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution states...

"The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people."

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